Do you know what to do?

     We've all been there. At one point, it was all misery. You barely go through your days and your only goal will be to successfully drag yourself through the next day. Without failing, without losing it, without falling apart. You convince yourself to have enough faith that you'll make it. You sometimes lie to yourself too, knowing making out alive of this can be nearly impossible. 

     And one fine day, you come to realize that you don't feel that way anymore. You don't feel that invisible pain in your chest anymore like your heart is literally broken. You feel the most peaceful you have been in an eternity. Your heart is filled with love and happiness. You'll realize that your path to this point was definitely a mess, more of a blur too. But you made it, like finally. Time heals they say. Don't ask me how. Don't ask me how long. Just pure faith that it does.

     You're in your absolute 'A' game. Everything you ever wanted is attracted towards you, like all of universe is conspiring to get you what you actually deserve and made for. You attract amazing people, you attract beautiful opportunities, you attract extraordinary experiences. You start seeing beauty is the most mundane things that you did not even try to appreciate before. You finally feel like you have enough. Enough air to breathe, enough words to say to bring change, enough people to love. 

     But suddenly, one day, you come across a glimpse of something that was the reason for your destruction. You feel like cutting yourself inside out just with the thought of it. You feel like letting yourself bleed out all the life out of you because you remember the pain it caused you. You remember what you lost. You remember what was deemed to be something you can never achieve. The only thing that you feel inferior to no matter how much of a courageous warrior you are. What do you do? Do you know what to do?

     Do you acknowledge your pain and let yourself feel the hell? Or do you pretend like you never saw the glimpse and repress it all inside? Do you cry your heart out? Or does it hurt too much to the point you can't even cry? Yes, you have peace in you. Yes, your heart is filled with kindness and self-love. Yes, you are way stronger, braver and wiser now. But what do you do? When you know how to tend to a physical injury like a cut, how do you tend to your emotional injury? Because just like physical injury untreated, your emotionally injury will infect you. What is your psychological first aid?


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